Finding Inspiration Every Day
Finding inspiration and connection sits at the root of everything in our lives. It’s not just about connecting to the food we eat, or the people that we spend our time with, but to how we feel and live our life. In many ways we are living in a world full of contradictions, the words wellness and self care are thrown around, seemingly at the front and centre of everything we see and do, yet many of us don’t feel either well or cared for at all and we struggle to keep up with health trends. Rising rates of lifestyle related diseases sit on one side and those committed to a healthier life on the other, often with finances sitting in the middle. This needs to change.
We are all looking for meaning, purpose and connection in our lives and are constantly being told that we are more connected than ever thanks to technology and social media, but we feel increasingly lonely and isolated and are struggling to make those meaningful connections. We are trying to create and even copy the perfectionism that we see in the highlight reels of social media, comparing ourselves to others. In doing so we are heightening our innate fears of not being enough. I feel that we need to simplify things, to go back to basics, to connect to how we feel, to those around us, to what we buy, how we shop, the meals we make and how we look after ourselves.
It’s ok to slow down a little, to say no to something in order to make more time for yourself. It’s ok to care about how you look after yourself and to invest time and energy into educating ourselves so that we can make the little changes that make us happier.
I’ve learned so much on my journey and feel as though I am only just starting to scratch the surface. By no means are these articles or other materials in this space intended to be a comprehensive guide to life, that’s certainly not a plausible concept, most of them are simply the ideas of one woman trying to do her very best with current knowledge. But, I do hope that they give you a little inspiration, a few thoughtful moments and some ideas for easy wins to make life a little more fun, a little simpler and a lot more delicious in the food department.
Love Kat, x